Hello there!!

So ive been gone for a couple of months and so much has happened. I am currently waiting for my computer to sync with my phone because there is so many pictures to share!(its done!) I am briefly going to summarize what has been going on.

Okay so Mr. Kason will be 1 this 29th. I can hardly believe that my little baby will be the BIG 1. He took his birthday pictures last month. You may be asking why? well the girl who takes all my pictures was already booked for the whole month of June. So I just went ahead an took them a month earlier! I will be posting some of his pictures once I get them.

Noah will be 6 in August. He gets out of school this Friday! He will also have like a little mini graduation this Thursday. He will be going to 1st grade! He is doing awesome. Him and Kason will be taking pictures together some time in August.

As you can tell I have 2 birthday, well actually 3 because Tee turns 22 on the 9th of this month! Not only that Fathers Day is coming up! So that means I can get CREATIVE. For Kasons pictures I made some of the props! We didn’t use 2 of them but I will be displaying them at his party! With that being said be prepared for som DIY posts! I enjoy watching DIY videos and reading about them as well so its only appropriate that I do some myself!

As far as me and Tee go we are good we hit some bumps not too long ago. But what couple doesn’t. Our relationship has always been a unique one (well I like to think so) I feel that we go trough the bad all at once to get to the good (eventually) We are a working process.

As far as my school goes I am still in school. I just finished 3 classes about a month ago. Can we say stressful! Um yes you can! I will be enrolling AGAIN this July. If all goes good I should graduate this October!! And that is my goal for this year I want to finish school and do what I love!

I have also started working out! I love it!!!!!! It takes so much stress off of me. I can just sweat it off basically. Im not going to the gym to loose weight I am just working on toning my body. My tummy area to be exact.

Anyways I will be posting some pictures of the props I made for Kasons pictures after I publish this post.

Bye.. well see you in a bit

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